参数/型号 |
货品编码 |
A00085 |
减速机速比(Reducer ratio) |
9 : 1 |
输入电压(input voltage) |
V |
24-48 |
最大空载转速 (No -load Speed) |
rpm |
160 @48V |
额定转速 (Nominal Speed) |
rpm |
122 |
额定电流(Nominal current) |
A |
5 |
额定功率(Norminal power) |
W |
166 |
额定扭矩 (Nominal torque) |
N.M |
13 |
电机效率(motor efficency) |
% |
77% |
线电阻(resistance) |
Ω |
0.54 |
接线方式(wire connect) |
Y |
相间电感(Phase to phase inductance) |
mH |
0.28 |
转速常数(Speed constant) |
rpm/v |
30 |
扭矩电流常数(Torque constant) |
N.M/A |
2.6 |
轴向负载 (Axial direction payload) |
N.M |
985 |
径向负载(Radial direction payload) |
N.M |
1250 |
转子惯量(Rotor inertia) |
gc㎡ |
3400 |
极对数(Number of pole pairs) |
20 |
电机重量( Motor weight) |
g |
710 |
环境温度 (Environment temperature) |
℃ |
(-20 ~ 55 ℃) |
减 速 箱 背 隙 (Backlash) |
A r c m in |